Laboratory of Landscape

Shuichi Murakami


Maple Inventory

drawn by Tomo Iguchi

Tomo Iguchi wanted to create a tool to help her design a beautiful maple garden.

Therefore, she collected planar configurations of maple trees in temples and other places in Kyoto and made a bunch of cards. 1353 samples of 2m square planar configurations centered on maple tree trunks were obtained from 52 garden plans. These included any of the following 12 types of elements: tall trees, shrubs, buildings, lanterns, landscape stones, stepping stones, bridges, white sand, moss, grass, water, and garden paths. She categorized the huge amount of samples in order of (1) type of element, (2) number of elements, and (3) arrangement of elements, and organized them into 490 patterns of planar composition and made them into cards (the image is a part of them).

In addition, she conducted design simulations assuming interactive conversations with the virtual clients using these cards to make decisions in the order of (1), (2), and (3), and examined their effectiveness as tools for use in reference and issues to be addressed.

drawn by Tomo Iguchi

Her attempt shows the potential for various applications and extensions, and the progress of AI (deep learning) may encourage this.
more information

Tomo Iguchi, Shuichi Murakami (2021) Creating a Support Tool for Designing Gardens with Japanese Maple Trees: Learning from the 1353 Maple Trees in 52 Gardens in Kyoto: Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan No.20: 157-161
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