Laboratory of Landscape

Shuichi Murakami


WS of Experience and Empathy

drawn by Shiori Ota

Shiori Ota thought about how to best reflect the wishes of the citizens in the design of the park. She thought it would be difficult to do so in a desk workshop in a conference room.

Therefore, she devised programs for participants to spend their time in existing parks or to make park models using their favorite materials, which emphasized the importance of experience and empathy. The workshop participants played in the park, filled out idea sheets, created small models, placed 2D and 2.5D objects on the site model, and reviewed the basic blueprints at the site. She tried to capture the participants' wishes for the kind of park that they wanted, and created an impressive list of easy-to-understand diagrams. The diagrams drawn by Ota not only reflected the participants' ideas as much as possible in the basic design of the park, but will surely play a role in taking over the original ideas in the future process of the park (implementation design, construction, and operation after the park is put into service).

The project is posted on the city's website as well as on a social networking site run by the student team. The team has also added unique content related to the park, increasing the number of followers.

Ota's attempt shows a new way of citizen participation that values experience and empathy in the Web3 era.
more information

Shiori Ota, Shuichi Murakami (2022) A Study on Experiential and Empathetic Citizen Participation Methods in Park Planning: A Case Study of Urban Park Development in Maibara City: Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan No.21: 422-427
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