Laboratory of Landscape

Shuichi Murakami


Dream Fulfillment City

(Students' work winning 4th prize at the 24th Urban design and planning competition)

They propose that "anyone can realize their own dreams" as an urban performance to ensure that Urawa's outstanding characteristics are inherited in the future. The land where dreams can come true is named after Tokiwa, the name of the town, and will be the target image for the year 2050.

"Urawa GO Citizens' Council" will be organized to provide opportunities to discover dreams, to connect with supporters of dreams, and to provide places to realize dreams, and will promote the realization of citizens' dreams in detail in each of 12 types of zones identified based on various conditions.

In the area around Urawa Station, "Yumemigaoka hill" will be slowly formed as a place for relaxation and exchange, as well as a stage for cheering and praising the realization of dreams. The distributed and autonomous connections will be a tailwind in the era of web 3.0.

Team: Shiori Ota, Hiromichi Kanagawa, Naruha Oya, Tomona Gondo, Anna Matsuda, Shohei Yamauchi
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